intellect+devourer — similar artists: intellect devourer, exsul, décryptal, exaugurate, abysmalist, decaying crypt, regurgitated guts, reverence to paroxysm, kever, Cystic, grotesqueries, mephitic corpse, congealed putrescence, vrenth, horrisonous, vorum, impetuous burial, carcinoid, můra, night hag/burial, cosmic atrophy, rattenfänger, gutvoid, cryptic brood/night hag, slutvomit, blood spore, disembodiment, concilivm, ritual fog, mvltifission, armoured angel, charnel grounds, mefitis, denouncement pyre, atavistic decay, shapeless being, crypts of despair, vile apparition, blood freak, unembalmed, perihelion gnosis, severed boy, invincible force, halluxvalgus, universally estranged, noxis/cavern womb, immersed in pain, writhing shadows, nex carnis, had, sabbatory, morpheus descends, eternal dirge, pustilence, metaphobic, myrkridia, tumulation,