ironed+out — similar artists: ironed out, crowd deterrent, crush the demoniac, world of joy, upperground, enemy mind, xlairx, latest god, ⛓DIGRESS⛓, facewreck, winnerz circle, xservitudex, life lair regret records, frozen over, life's fate, street soldier, starvation/negative reinforcement, four remain, pure instinct, human ruins, clandestine ad, hornetz nest, empower, slavedriver, neil bloem, blind faith, bdhw rec., cold hard truth, solemn promise, redemption denied, raceriot59, strange places, trail of lies, final rage, excarnate, hardcore still lives, xrepentancex, antagonize, crisis alert, before i had wings, impasse, drawing last breath, borstal, laid 2 rest, bar fight, curbstomp scbd, bun dem out, world i hate, reserving dirtnaps, rat bait, one down, gassed up, vow of hatred, removalist, right mind, cold as life, correction,