jeff+unfortunately — similar artists: Truculent, strange mono, ok putrid, Cincinnatus C, pregnant spore, dementia and hope trails, widow's bath, kenny basil sound system, programmed hatred, beer breakfast dungeness crab, drums like machine guns, swamp palace, grey0, idiot forever, shitty wizard, idiot mambo, justin marc lloyd, dim dusk moving gloom, forge the chains, moscow wires, orange shit ball/pregnant spore/1+1=a window, the bohorquez/balogh project, water bullet, sutras, regospore, justin marc lloyd/thief, collapsed arc/justin marc lloyd, divine shell/justin marc lloyd, npv, simian washboard, ghost volcano/divine shell, spitting ladyladys/bacteria earth, white dog/pregnant spore, JML, kilgore trout/false flag, inappropriate king live/scant, j. marcloid, divine shell/false flag, brandon marshall, summon thrull, false flag/scant/whitewater orgasm, julia ladense/sensible nectar, pregnant spore/actuary, fasx/prgnnt spr, astro/&+nundata, extreme light infrastructure, justin marc lloyd/pregnant spore, juice machine/pcrv, skin graft/dim dusk moving gloom, patient belongings, red electric rainbow, juice machine/path to lobster believers, boar/justin marc lloyd/breakdancing ronald reagan, ghost volcano, cincinnatus c/justin marc lloyd, gaybomb, sensible nectar,