jim+rioux — similar artists: beelzebub jones, theory of ghosts, stone and star, madder rose, the finks, Supernatural Buffalo, daughter of the vine, Throwing Muses, eaten by dogs, john hulburt, krautwerk, foam giant, the ocean greys, jolie laide, this lonesome paradise, chris olley, sleep decade, jim rioux, richard olson, dana anastasia, small sur, cédric pin/glen johnson, dominique diglio, hello shark, half deaf clatch, son of dirt, Twin Oaks, the hotel alexis, jim rioux with ted ehlers, peter gilroy, emilee emiko, chitinous mandible, harry taussig, ted ehlers, sidney lindner, don bikoff, the silver wilderness collective, william c. beeley, terry waldo, tompkins square, jochen blum, larry conklin, philip lewin, max ochs, evan wright, suni mcgrath, buco nero, smoke dawson, will beeley, harmony rockets with special guest peter walker, jeff liberman, baluchitherium, rick deitrick, kinloch nelson, daniel mandrychenko, KRISTIN HERSH, Mr. Airplane Man,