john+darr — similar artists: iperyt, nefarium, the konsortium, temple of baal, vorum, the black sorcery, denouncement pyre, thunderbolt, ravencult, urgehal, malfeitor, zakaz, lebensnacht, azarath, vorkreist, voidhanger, the deathtrip, svadilfare, estuarine, necroblaspheme, decline of the i, sarke, inexistenz, impiety, the ominous circle, vidsyn, offenbarung, angst skvadron, ashen light, endless affliction, deathincarnation, witchmaster, rites of daath, hellcraft, kolkata, varulv, rites of thy degringolade, perdition winds, necros christos, kever, múspellzheimr, der gerwelt, gnipahålan, slutvomit, nordic mist, beissert, holdaar, argo navis, defixiones, gandreid, arbor ira, night forest, tattered soul, dazhbog, dementia ad vitam, shadowdream, demonomantic,