life-in-digital — similar artists: john beagley, iconic sky, beagley, swan chorus, the bardic depths, life-in-digital, legacy pilots, realisea, evership, time horizon, parallel or 90 degrees, monarch trail, moon safari, la bocca della verità, hoggwash, red bazar, esp project, John Holden, stuckfish, sonic elements, returned to the earth, verbal delirium, anania, moon halo, long earth, cell15, materialeyes, richard wileman, the john irvine band, robin schell, the far meadow, fractal mirror, squids out to sea, izz, david longdon, we came from space, kinetic element, caravela escarlate, schooltree, drifting sun, rick miller, lobate scarp, i am the manic whale, dyble longdon, emmett elvin, k'mono, wippy bonstack, checking for echo project, tidehouse, retreat from moscow, the csides project, moon letters, raze the maze, hats off gentlemen it's adequate, the round window, unitopia, in continuum,