lifeblind — similar artists: creeping flesh, lifeblind, throne of heresy, street tombs, grovel, xythlia, megascavenger, gorgosaur, seprevation, slother, of fire, longhouse, cerecloth, horrisonous, time to heal, gravebomb, old iron king, massive assault, skinfather, kever, coffin lust, bastard grave, overtorture, temple of dread, pale king, chronophobia, nekrosity, them vultures, let them hang, purgatorium, endless affliction, gorgonaut, soulskinner, eteritus, defy the curse, neighborhood, world in ruins, stuvemark, warlord uk, GRISLY, wail of sirens, purtenance, abythic, battalion slaughtered, occasum, aposento, highbernation, arrogant state, ashcloud, strangulate, rebaelliun, phidion, the grotesquery, konkhra, legacy of brutality, for the pyres, testimony records,