makeup+monsters — similar artists: trevor dickson, draculina, flight of the conchords, makeup monsters, ball of wax audio quarterly, coconut records, the cactus blossoms, x suns, tv torso, the greasy gills, 2libras, sloucher, coma figura, handturner, wheelies, people under the sun, fruit juice, pale noise, power strip, patrick doherty, justin potts, shimmering stars, bear & moose, the sky rained heroes, the groovy nobody, glowfriends, sleep censors, redcoat turncoat, straphanger, the fucking eagles, marlena, the evanstones, the seatopians, knifetooth, Summer Salt, the hi-tide orchestra, eric mueller, the delstroyers, wave electric, the men in gray suits, luke short, good boy nikko, the airplanes, les tigres, the babalooneys, kid coyote, black flamingos, rachel ewen, the desolate coast, oh dear!, lulufin the woo hoo, loose lemons, los frenéticos, passenger pigeon, red hex, zebra hunt, mark malibu & the wasagas,