bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

maleficent! — similar artists: mäleficentt, yohualli, maleficent, autumn's rapture, grógaldr, blutumhang, the astral serpent, arazubak, despondent moon, tírad dûr, dune mear, howling nightwinds, consummatio, upamsu, lament in winter's night, sulfurous presence, diminishing spirit, burier, ixachitlan, solemn imagist, viridescent funeral, vrörsaath, messiah in the abyss, black cilice, winterreise, kasturn, dakhanavar, omeyocan, kommodus, girtablullû, death be with thee, gloria's garden, black imperial blood/lament in winter's night, black kruud, iira, his wounds, wolfswut, tome of alsiare, midnight betrothed, metztli, ashgabat, wolftower, celestial conjuration, vampyric winter, hajduk, upir, fallen forest, vampyric, woe bather, winter lantern, bašmu, paradox' mysticism, volahn, thine kingdom, thy heart, cxaxukluth, 1941,