maximum+rocknroll — similar artists: maximum rocknroll, vivisected numbskulls, personal damage, hounds of war, slow death records, necro heads, lard, violent christians, ztuped, cheap appeal, jello biafra & the melvins, blood ties, blazing eye, scalple, tohc83, offenders, headcheese, invertebrates, really red, imploders, lethal means, jello biafra and the guantanamo school of medicine, squirrel bait, z-pak, kontaminate, stunted youth, no deal, white wards, totalitär, youth of today, poison idea, tankcrimes, hysteric polemix, insane urge, articles of faith, evaluate what you tolerate: a bay area comp against white supremacy, racism and hate, punk aid, rashōmon, reckoning force, jumpstarted plowhards, self-inflict, in-valid, roachleg records, last affront, jello biafra with nomeansno, goms, vacant state, por090, misanthropic minds, petite, scene killers, little angels, soldier's disease, exxxon, recess records, savageheads, bad anxiety,