moonloop — similar artists: two face sinner, blood of serpents, comatose vigil a.k., griffar, Caratucay, myronath, drakhian, against the plagues, pantheon i, grief of emerald, samskarasmetal, death tyrant, lascaille's shroud, keiser, spheron, proliferation, cult of lilith, piah mater, nazghor, shadowthrone, fractalline, virial, thokkian vortex, solus ex inferis, dessiderium, perihelion ship, in reverence, slaveone, bliss of flesh, eartheria, the odious construct, stahlsarg, dream void, kossuth, winter of sin, brought by pain, where deprivation lies, dunkelnacht, netherbird, apotheon, zac leaser, undisclosed dimensions, cosmic atrophy, neolith, unflesh, zornheym, pervy perkin, rimfrost, hyperconvolutor, astral paralysis, darkend, northern crown, endless affliction, dawn of dementia, nexorum, psygnosis, virvum,