my+echo — similar artists: my echo, 131's, hypergiant, the emo diaries, the reigning monarchs, social haunts, the sinking teeth, RX Bandits, bob nanna, the quarters, looking glass, the planet smashers, Abducted by Sharks, the suicide tuesdays, grim rhythm, quinton trembath, the balls, grenadiers, the gun runners, Billy Talent, joe guiton, sweatshop union, suburban & coke, astrodeath, the sugarcanes, luke yeoward, the diecasts, marina mitchell, the berkeley hunts, paper thin, el colosso, phil wolfendale, kettlespider, no oaths, horace bones, the stiffys, the union pacific, chief weapons, them sharks, myvanwy, sincerely, grizzly, tiger can smile, siltman, the bellastrades, have/hold, emergency rule, dorm patrol, the reigning monarchs/laramie dean, the reigning monarchs w buddy peace, a gazillion angry mexicans, mexicoma, desperateens, waax, jen buxton, four short lines, shellfin, jerky dirt,