nick+duffy — similar artists: hartley c. white, martyr group, jimmie packard, heat wilson, nick duffy, sord, nals goring, bruce hart, mark beer, jo miller-gamble, marlon cherry, r. hundro, better psychics, frank kogan, jurg frey, the brotherhood of lizards, the inward circles, cohort, roland kayn, magnus granberg, ihvh, magnus granberg with apartment house, opez, blanche blanche blanche, warren michael defever, warren defever, Sarah Angliss, oto hiax, bill fontana, the lilac time, lightning in a twilight hour, the ocean greys, guy vandromme, peter michelini, peter blanchette, roman a clef, zdeněk liška, karl fousek, hellier ulysses, ben lawless, JPS, anastassis philippakopoulos, future conditional, Leafy Suburbs, andrew smiley, martin iddon, angeline morrison, marco baldini, adrián demoč, castle if, stephen stannard, ian power, the rowan amber mill, chris weisman, ernstalbrecht stiebler, apartment house, shira legmann,