noize+kult+revolver — similar artists: 0s0, produkt 42, sever the servants, brides in the floodlights, critical reaction technique, ra1d, IAMWARFACE, brides, capitalparasite, noize kult revolver, enola gay ft mother molotov, the promised land band, victim 323, balkan operation glitch, fire + ice, Ster, n.fury.8, symbol & the sound, dold vorde ens navn, syrup moose records, kinit her, one eyed ancestor, ainor, microwaved, wreathes, Deine Lakaien, fortíð, wxdxw, absolute fucking bastard, the amaranth, gospelheim, mouri sunlight, ian staer, spectral spells, Dymna Lotva, hate dept., asvnder, arð, mazia, grotesque misalignment, still sleeping, illudium, slighter x static logic, I Ya Toyah, st. michael front, grief suit, youth pastor, daddybear, greyfleshtethered, big blue bazooka, order of the static temple, society burning, smth wssn, damsel in the dollhouse, cadaveric mutation, riveting music, chloe dancer,