nuclear+death+terror â similar artists: nuclear death terror, skullnbone, zygome, dethfox, the diskonected, dislies, snĂ€ggletooth, sexface, jag out!, rataa, ultrarat - ratcage, lebenden toten, niños rata, napalm raid, ultrarat, apĂ€rĂ€, d-sagawa, parasytes, cpu rave, durs coeurs, petite, drip, chloroform, blockade, thee nodes, viruela, the blurters, fast idio, nocturnal scum, warkrusher, after the bombs, straight to a tomb, ćć·çè
(paranoid), occultist, absolut, charged ss, violent abuse, electro surgery//noise unit, dishönor, circle of dead children, omerta, khiis, genogeist, inepsy, ahna, black blood invocation, trenchgrinder, bloodsuckers, impact statement, runstate tapes, the fuck outs, sick pose, resistant culture, FaZE, disfear, walsh st cop killers, daily ritual,