oculosoul — similar artists: blue black hours, seven planets, throneless, sophie´s earthquake, hua†a, bentrees, palace in thunderland, king bong, degraey, shellfin, vyrion, deep space destructors, deepspacepilots, snailking, dead end thoughts, robot god, morag tong, magnatar, samán, fatmate, tuna de tierra, violence of the sun, the moonshine brand, ealdor bealu, worm ouroboros, rifft, order ov riven cathedrals, mountain dust, looking glass, doomicidal, twinspeak, sahara surfers, stone machine electric, godhead lizard, crowhurst, sonic mass, spirit division, mount soma, desperation eclipse, deaf proof, jerky dirt, soul thief, lord montague, moon circle, otehi, ire wolves, sons of apache, black woods, great rift, morganthus, kayleth, bull elephant, atomonaut, serial hawk, the cosmic nod, whooom, frozen planet...1969,