orbital+soul+system — similar artists: solus ex inferis, napalm christ, virial, proliferation, homolka, bone tomb, azooma, the disfigured, druon antigon, goatchrist, teramobil, unending, morgue walker, omnivortex, vipassi, psionic madness, soreption, light field reverie, carcinoma | abyssal, fortress of the olden days, tausendstern, dawn of dementia, Caratucay, chapter v:f10, words of farewell, bezmir, the odious construct, cemitério, orbital soul system, dream void, litosth, odetosun, numen noctis, ululatum tollunt, unflesh, eartheria, bál, spheron, dark divinity, out of the mouth of graves, locus neminis, p'hevda phenomenon, kartikeya, apogean, kossuth, sjálfsmorð af gáleysi, pronostic, 0-nun, brought by pain, zac leaser, Agos, samskarasmetal, blighted eye, where deprivation lies, martriden, hosste, dark matter secret,