order+of+the+owl — similar artists: order of the owl, cult of sorrow, fool magician, the wisdoom, morganthus, mount soma, navajo witch, doomicidal, sorcia, godhead lizard, spirit division, indica blues, wytchgoat, throneless, second grave, eternal black, disenchanter, gorgantherron, hellas records, great rift, stone cadaver, jerky dirt, void cruiser, ascia, stoner kebab, wounded giant, chief of smoke, crud (fl), goatess, inner altar, the grand mal, from the ages, opium heathen, serial hawk, sea of bones, sinister haze, sonic mass, elk witch, seer of the void, chubby thunderous bad kush masters, sedulus, kråkslott, indus valley kings, slug lord, trudger, rifft, prophets of saturn, weed priest, elder druid, goatsmoke, the munsens, ancient altar, the hyle, emperors lair, disrule, norska, solarnaut,