pink+midnight — similar artists: rack screams, alec mcgrory, spinecakes, lust rollers, ben winter, emerging industries of wuppertal, duolant, gregory nieuwsma, lee riley/robert ridley-shackleton, gregory/mcgrory, gårdbuk, the mistoids, dj power roofing, barry neilsen, rack screams v aylesbury vale drone central, mark browne/spinecakes, chromotrope, ryan james mawbey, the central office of information, transient visitor, the incidental crack, omega institute, wingéd ma'at, singapore police background, concretetapes, photophobik, uli federwisch, aum taeppers, pink midnight, cavalier song, jöns, cacerolazo, vdof, hawn, blank disco, bloxham research group, woodford halse, mammals in rhythm, giants of discovery, dogs versus shadows, belmont lacroix, depomelan, strategic tape reserve staff, bleed air, allan murphy, busy microbes, mrs. chip perkins, red setter, aylwin, the home current, farewell phoenix, pulsliebhaber, federwisch, kieran mahon, fisty kendal, gwasg gelert, poppy jennings,