popimane — similar artists: morganthus, sista maj, navajo witch, burial oath, inner altar, one-eyed king, cojum dip, megaritual, soul of the makossa man, square roots, kath bloom & loren connors, son of the morning, electric pussy, the rising sun experience, nancy vandal, maximum bob's stockyard skinners, estuary blacks, the hobopop collective, böse, smoke mountain, swarm of the lotus, godhead lizard, order of leviathan, ibiza records, belie my burial, karpathian relict, toadstone, sierra swan, malekko, fool magician, danny akalepse, myndrill, inhalement, skylax records, prophets of saturn, taine, lunar grave, sonic ritual, bastard lord, armagnac, moonwizard, the space spectrum, supersonic blues, damien zala, abtomat, erman, doomicidal, law & auder, analog cops, macro dj, domboshawa, bentrees, rosenhaft, sal principato, i-boat captain, dinamo azari, hard candy hearts,