problem+addict — similar artists: funeral sounds, ace enders, surgery in an opera, i would run that stoplight for you, charlotte light, alaurabyrd, wipers, geoff rickly, dogs on acid, steve hartlett, liz phair, clearbody, atlas:at last, see through person, stippling, romp, Sleater-Kinney, hazing over, adaje, lucas vidaur, dæphne, BrokenWorldMedia, soft talk, the grizzly, fun home, mineral girls, sleevenotes, monster bad, problem addict, pet bug, california cousins, régresser, common sage, beauty pill, bliss fields, stress fractures, sentridoh, mulligrub, logfella, martin j. hacker-mullen, yvette young, sex with a terrorist aka s.w.a.t., dan boadi, ihaveaknife, jelani sei, josh benash, aficionado, osier bed, the african internationals, lilac queen, pine overcoat, struckout, monument to thieves, spirit night, blanket fort, tim kinsella & jenny pulse, under.his.eye,