profundae+libidines — similar artists: penitence onirique, blurr thrower, maieutiste, heaume mortal, déluge, crepuscule d'hiver, verfallen, in cauda venenum, les chants de nihil, regarde les hommes tomber, decem maleficivm, les acteurs de l'ombre productions, jours pâles, coldcell, pensees nocturnes, time lurker, sühnopfer, ebonylake, pénitence onirique, au-dessus, asphodèle, those opposed records, darkenhöld, Moonreich, bâ'a, spectrale, giardino dei laghi, hyrgal, zakaz, wiedergänger, ljáin, griffon, triste terre, fortress of the olden days, degredo, keymage, barús, cult of erinyes, greytomb, msrblflr, wesenwille, black cilice, salqiu, 0-nun, grave circles, dëgénéréscence, occelensbrigg, odraza, aorlhac, scum liquor, hanormale, thy sepulchral moon, spectral corruption, danielle morbid, wędrowcy~tułacze~zbiegi, rüyyn, ocerco,