prygla — similar artists: gnipahålan, splintering lightning spear, sinistral king, azelisassath, 0-nun, digerdöden, grifteskymfning, knokkelklang, demonomantic, eternity's nightfall, the deathtrip, bál, zwiespalt, idol of fear, bekëth nexëhmü, ars hmu, summum, hädanfärd, cachot d'effroi, trolldom, helfró, urkaos, balwezo westijiz, strani orizzonti autoproduzioni, owls woods graves, musmahhu, sodality, sorathian dawn, acausal intrusion, múspellzheimr, morgal, iniquitatem, blodtår, enevelde, phaunos, sapientia diaboli, ancient records, lamentable, anorion, ergot de seigle, tyranni, sjálfsmorð af gáleysi, theriomorph, daudadagr, ignis haereticum, prygla, pull the strings, kavallerie, goddamn gringos, throane, muvitium, ossuary twilight, ondfødt, remigius, cultes des ghoules (official), Grav, danielle morbid,