roadhouse — similar artists: strapping fieldhands, non plus temps, blues ambush, the shadow ring, they can be a handful lp, puppet wipesthe stones are watching, cia debutante-dust lp, spiritual mafia, tsap, sunset flips, monoshock, true sons of thunder, jim shepard, cuticles-major works lp, bill nace/emily robb, roadhouse, mikey young, jim marlowe, rider/horse, xv, ivory whips, children maybe later, bells club, blue dolphin, loose-y crunché, witness k, rrr band, feeling figures, coffin prick, hash redactor, monocot, soldier's disease, the peacetime consumers, debt rag, yuta matsumura, flanger magazine, anxious living, komare, the gabys, ill globo, copiers, grotesque circular dance, 番⻑ taste, private anarchy, paul snell, jj ulius, young druid, crunché, petro, emily robb, product lust, richard papiercuts, famous mammals, dyktando, theee retail simps, rinpoche, cleta patra records,