run+into+the+sun — similar artists: inclination, mouth for war, all else failed, erase them, slapshot, facewreck, the bouncing souls, power alone, crow killer, simulakra, snake eye'z, with honor, xweaponx, holy figures, law of power, beach rats, world of pleasure, the usurpers, astrophobos, down in it., no cure, sonnets, inquinok, foreign hands, run into the sun, ends of sanity, reign supreme, witness chamber, pain of truth, party nerves, plead the widow's cause, typecaste, death ridge boys, dying wish, degeneration xxx, vicious embrace, berthold city, gridiron, Pure Noise Records, wristmeetrazor, brain cave/ knub, section h8, laid 2 rest, excide, [colision], seed of pain, trail of lies, outta pocket, zuname, never ending game, eyes of the lord, victim to none, field of flames, sanction, reserving dirtnaps, rain of salvation, burning strong,