s*an d. henry-smith — similar artists: middle-man records, the hope hereafter, s*an d. henry-smith, john q public, déraciné, (ache/emelie), knights of ganymede, coma regalia/marital roles, coma regalia/gas up yr hearse!, kaki.o.badi, léon, opt aut sic eco, body of wasps, haz lo correcto, capacities/coma regalia, coma regalia/vowel, quantis/coma regalia, the longer we stray from the light, grave of errors, it kills me, hex lariat, macramé, matter field, metastatic, all these fucking eyes, de facto enscripture, everything remade, the falsies, not your friends, untold want, plague walker, notion of distance, nathan aeli, never a land without people, static intervals, lišaj, ...and no one knew, amselysen, mildflowers, chordata, the tombs await outside, lizarel, scenario a, felony for existing, soft tissue, hundreds of au, coma regalia, terry green, nyc noise, kodos, caveman lsd, ahya simone, enchanted lands, jano doe, rosso polare, carman moore, Eilien,