scatmother/chaos cascade — similar artists: scatmother, scatmother/chaos cascade, depravar, pissoir rouge, operation cleansweep, rxaxpxe, brahmastrika, positron emission tomography, heretic grail, nihil doctrine, rotat, linekraft, irm, chaos cascade/rxaxpxe, chaos cascade/kapala, detrimental effect, womb11, genocide organ, vordb na r.iidr, the black maghreb, wounded son, atman drei, torture battalion, interracial sex, anenzephalia, vordb, black cilice, terrestrial hospice, jesuve, autoerotichrist, formaldehyde production, manianoise, hymenal opening, extermination order, ke/hil, agonal lust, hollow men, tourist gaze, sodomy from beyond, atrax morgue, citalopram shunyata, illegal entry, forced trauma, lille roger, rearing of silkworms, brenoritvrezorkre, prostitutes of the 19th century, dsmiii, terror cell unit, expensive tastes, yellow gas flames, subduer, kaal akuma, last rape, swollen gargantuan fecal fetus records, apex parasite, westendhall,