scooterbabe — similar artists: jigsaw records, nancy sin, beanpole, field school, ocean party, battery point, popincourt, faintest ideas, chandler estate, a novel resort, lavender faction, constantin veis, archdeacon of pop records, star tropics, brad san martin, driscolls, birds of california, the bv's, strawberry story, artgruppe, pups, makeout vertigo, poconos, Ghost Thoughts, musical chairs, palespectres, james and the express, restless hearts, charlie big time, glow cats, sissy fuzz, famous problems, lost ships, dj downfall, mark dzula, razorblade smile, brideshead, stephen's shore, spinning wheels, rightovers, the umbrella puzzles, standard unit, watoo watoo, animal daydream, slum summer, whoa melodic, rentiers, vehicle flips, bob collins and the full nelson, sportique, leslies, hate week, a certain smile, dutch elms, the golden eaves, the smith garrett band, yellow melodies,