seacularia — similar artists: sodogommorrah records, gnaargakh, kinder des zorns, thromos, analög ragnarök, whinlatter, orek, gasbrand, knekelput, worship the void records, nachtig, seacularia, todessog, waldseel, krÿs, gjaldur, nihilistischer wahn, witches moon, helzgloriam, mavorim, kuutar, goatskin, hexenfluch, hexengrab, shores of ladon/wolfsschrei, panzerwar/winterfell, la ballade des rats, burgfried, undernæcht, pröfane oath, hellmoon/glemt, iron kindl pest, balberskult, opferblut, asgard/transzendenz, totenwache, nihil invocation, worm moon records, likferd, durthang, taaken, oferwintran, forgotten heritage, junkie witch, feuille morte, trauer, narziss, wulfhere productions, vindorn, nocturnal thirst, freitod zeremonie, nostalgic darkness, spornburg, brahdr'uhz, fakel, nefarious dusk, Transzendenz,