signal+dreams — similar artists: spencer holst, joan macintosh, richard schechner, barbara benary, jackson mac low, tui st. george tucker, armand schwerner, mercury ribbon, mareld, o. vaupel, alison knowles, gersemi, jerome rothenberg, mary crow dog, hannah weiner, ocarina orchestra, & christine crow dog, bern porter, anne tardos, puppet theater, manon lescaut, arleen schloss, patty mucha, robert filliou, the talking band, donna henes, hercegovina, genoasejlet, olympisk løft, charlie morrow, violence of the fauve, cabalist, piag3t, armadura, dick higgins, bernard heidsieck, Internazionale, Romance Relic, paw grabowski, rip hayman, raquin, ryong, ziyek, jakob folke ivarsson, annea lockwood, spyddet, mads kinnerup, tevere, collar, mille helt haarder, jakob birch, gabo barranco, havadine stone, forankring, rosen, entry veil, hviledag,