sinkr — similar artists: dankmus, andrew o'neill, louise harris, Sophie Jamieson, krush puppies, mountains under oceans, colours to shame, mali hayes, the colour pink is gay, lou stone, the twistettes, cutty's gym, time for action, janice burns & jon doran, classy lassy, sinkr, Hide, tenement and temple, sinead o'brien, twin heart, the lumberjack cowboy heartbreak trucking company, mountain of love, megalomatic, belshazzar's feast, seraph sin, hibagọn, fate map, final silence, megan black, damaj, michael legge, Zero 7, glass abbot, acid trial, lion on tiger, cory & kirsty call, the men that will not be blamed for nothing, athena's army, josienneclarke, the ground we tread, stuart goldsmith, crow's feet, jackal trades, tom vevers, before victoria, girobabies, ant thomaz, baethos, dreamkids, anorak patch, elanor moss, paul litchfield, amy lou, erin vivers ferguson, cherri fosphate, noise of rumors, enigami,