skitkids â similar artists: larma, personal damage, skitkids, vivisected numbskulls, reckoning force, crucified class, tohc83, röntgen, hounds of war, invertebrates, the war goes on, nukies, katastrof, d7y, disapprove, faucheuse, jesus fucking christ, blood ties, savageheads, genogeist, ursut, shit coffins, tadpole records, in-valid, scalple, herĂ€tys, lip cream, self-inflict, dissekerad, Lumpen, sycophant, dödlĂ€ge, misanthropic minds, blazing eye, confuse, gas rag, obstruction, warkrusher, lethal means, suck lords, necro heads, kinetic orbital strike, yleiset syyt, kriegshög, arrĂȘt, extended hell, ztuped, violent christians, vĂ€gra, lautstĂŒrmer, socio la difekta, clone-z, skiplickers, lose lose, genöme, d-sagawa, dominant patri,