skull+kontrol — similar artists: red hare, warmers, hoover, soulside, lungfish, faraquet, circus lupus, the effects, dag nasty, VAZ, turing machine, j. robbins, asbestos worker, zwei null zwei, paint branch, multicult, dog faced hermans, skull kontrol, survival knife, virvon varvon, jawbox, rid of me, angelhair., bronson arm, the mercury program, office of future plans, nation of ulysses, rainbow grave, the ghost is clear records, bbigpigg, rob crow, creta bourzia, giants chair, Glitterer, mohinder, brown angel, meditations in affinity, blacklisters, bluetip, rites of spring, tgic recs, christie front drive, the hated, obits, pleasure forever, lardo, shudder to think, universal order of armageddon, medications, team dresch, edsel, infinity land, lifetime, hoaries, polvo, capitol city dusters, june of 44,