sky+crypt — similar artists: karkaos, exalter, decaying days, untimely demise, the neologist, feradur, fisthammer, sunless rise, beyond the dark, unverkalt, hyperomm, omnivortex, Dejadeath, psychotic pulse, sky crypt, bloodshot dawn, SlayMySanity, speedblow, svartghast, decaptacon, the void's embrace, Sonus Mortis, yggdrassil, sacrificed alliance, perpetual night, the dark believing, undrask, plaguelord, scalblood, lahmia, svartby, silence lies fear, moonshade, suotana, claim the throne, hero's fate, sun of gaia, harkane, project pain, path of destiny, panikk, hanormale, LISTENABLE RECORDS, hidden intent, warbell, grisatre, dust prophet, lunarsea, the bishop of hexen, necrokinesis, Caratucay, ulvehyrde, hovmod, meadows end, crepuscle, mother anxiety, valtari,