sloth+metropolis — similar artists: tom slatter, orange clocks, tidehouse, fractal mirror, materialeyes, big hogg, swan chorus, we are kin, emmett elvin, mike kershaw, icarus peel's acid reign, crystal jacqueline, twice bitten, introitus, suns of the tundra, dead otter, returned to the earth, konchordat, reformat, simon godfrey, verbal delirium, hats off gentlemen it's adequate, icarus peel, the rube goldberg machine, tony patterson & doug melbourne, sloth metropolis, shineback, sel balamir, the telephones, Bad Elephant Music, fall of episteme, karakorum, the tirith, twelfth night - friends, airbridge, amoeba split, the bardic depths, patchwork cacophony, professor tip top, jem godfrey, rog patterson, sendelica, parallel or 90 degrees, checking for echo project, psychoyogi, custard flux, stuckfish, welcome inside the brain, a musical project by nikitas kissonas, brighteye brison, encircled, hangover paradise, the far meadow, upupayama, monarch trail, long earth, eden shadow,