snuggle+oscar — similar artists: fovvl mage, enchanted dagger, tar'goraan, warm smial, abysa, ~*faerie cross grotto*~, high mage x kletttermax, longmoan, pvmkyn mage, mushtoons, angnesum, scholarly source, mage...or astro-mage?, luperci mage, læraðr, mossbridge mage, eldritch wizardry, fableglade records, snuggle oscar, fen wraith x rotund spellcaster, elrinn, cloak bong, runesong, tütsen, inside the fall, andeddomeiji, opa motek, happy moon, dregahir, juuyokka, forest of orthanc x high mage, scenic railway, appley dapply, the rotund spellcaster, goose mother, vidanges, zundmarazkhulshilkîn, high mage, vitalith, andeddomeiji x attikan troll, unbekannter magier, continuous revelations x high mage, olde mage, mäuseprinz, delorean x mage, ondal's wisdom, draconic regicide, the friendly moon, sandwich shop quartet, beholder cult leader, alcath, candle wizard, oaklimb, frostlit lantern, grol, freiheit x medwegya, flvte dwarf,