stugots — similar artists: Clever, pious faults, fucking, sick head, hoaries, lardo, bin licker, cuntz, blank veins, asbestos worker, cutty's gym, work party, stugots, primal brain, bbigpigg, sperm donor, trigger cut disaster relief, weemptyrooms, sex drive, men with chips, soldier's disease, stiip, fuckin' lovers, cold fish, bruges, lamps, jousting, black congress, most efficient women, feedtime, stress pleaser, sojii, puke puddle, log horn breed, worm crown, the ghost is clear records, moon pussy, dead/vaz, the stabs, ice balloons, blacklisters, negative gears, ztuped, multicult, exxxon, youth regiment, tongue party, glen schenau, leather lickers, warm red, The Swine, infinity land, hexmere, conan neutron & the secret friends, meditations in affinity, Buzz Rodeo, stunted youth,