sulfuric+cautery — similar artists: mephitic corpse, blast addict, lurid panacea, malignant hyperthermia, murderman, necrotic liquefaction, mankind's devastation, meticulous butchery, necropsy odor, raw addict, effluence, infibulated, paroxysm unit, mean spirited, beasters, fake dust, diphenylchloroarsine, morgue breath, rawhead, masticated polyps, retching purulence, flesh hoot, expression of pain, moiscus, incinerated, miasmatic necrosis, encenathrakh, desairologie, excruciating terror, 瘧鬼, gargling, headless death/radiation vomit, failed treatment, clean flesh, slam420, anal stabwound, guttural secrete, emphysematous excretion of gangrenous debridement/empyaema, fake meat, sulfuric cautery, golem of gore/putrid stu, injurious, ecchymosis, cystgurgle, interminable corruptions, vituperate, pathologically explicit, palsied, biomorphic engulfment, fumigated/death fetish, moisturizer, iconic vivisect, trichomoniasis, g.b.s./vomitoma, melting rot, new standard elite, hanuman हनुमान,