swans — similar artists: angels of light, SWANS, the silver mt. zion memorial orchestra, tra-la-la band, thee silver mt. zion memorial orchestra, the body lovers / the body haters, white static demon, tra-la-la band and choir, the birthday party, uuuu, Andrew Liles, michael gira, thee silver mountain reveries, tech level 2, operation cleansweep, jesu, scratch acid, MUNLY, the for carnation, アンドリュー ライルズ, pale sketcher, daniel lopatin, the jesus lizard, boris with merzbow, oxbow, maudlin of the well, lsd and the search for god, big black, boris | michio kurihara, cut hands, genocide organ, council estate electronics, the lupercalians, tom ellard, wrekmeister harmonies, liles, zos kia, JK FLESH, will foster, the kilimanjaro darkjazz ensemble, the sexecutioner, michel faber, remixed by andrew liles, maniac - liles - czral, Butthole Surfers, Slint, Tom Waits, justin greaves, steven stapleton, Vatican Shadow, the wardrobe, rainforest spiritual enslavement, Alan Vega, Spiritualized, diamanda galás, final, alora crucible,