sympathies — similar artists: theo hilton, cstvt, and ryan woods, duck. little brother, duck!, youth pictures of florence henderson, sympathies, water canvas, the criminal world, the little explorer, toby foster, olde pine, beat easton, eito, driftoff, the little books, xanthorg, lions/invalids/tir asleen/dads/slingshot dakota/we'll die smiling, miss the stars, marjory stewart-baxter, & ryan woods, throw me off the bridge, skincarver, MIRSY, business models, Black Nail, wherebirdsmeettodie, chasing paperboy, dead sailors, ov#02, maskros - kaji - astrid - this too will pass - a city sorrow built, flowersxofxcarnage, louïse papier, turbosmims, david chirol, growing up a ghost, pale figure records, quarantaine records, father mountain, benton falls, slipdiver, glassgrade, bioctus, lyrae, xanthome, kishote, contwig, déraciné, pop unknown, sunday inn, lonely life, brave bird, noir|reva, everyone goes to space, stiffslack, i am the branch, chuck bass, the slow sliders,