tako+mizutani — similar artists: pocopen, jon no son, eri nagami, yojikとwanda, h-shallows, kazuhiro nishiwaki, the act we act, koji shibuya, isayahh wuddha, amor muere, tiago frúgoli ensemble, graynoise, ikema yuko, pume orenge, gezan with million wish collective, metal casting jazz ensemble, deeptakt records, その他の短編ズ, pale cocoon, deaf touch records, yojik, genjitsu records, t.v.not january, doctor stereo, 毛玉, yumbo, elia piana, mario allison y su combo, 小池喬, 見汐麻衣, tako mizutani, takashi koike, nishiwaki, mmm と 古川悠木, レンゲ renge, johannes björk, 堀嵜菜那と山脈 nana horisaki on the ridge, 見汐麻衣 with goodfellas, 三村京子, 鏡鏡鏡鏡, 風の又サニー (kaze no matasunny), aaron space & his terrestrial underlings, kataomoi / 片想い, taiko super kicks, renge, 堂馬, kawate, sasakino records, tomoe inoue, 中尾勘二トリオ, michikusa, odd eyes, 山本精一/suzmenba/和田晋侍/brazil/むぅとん/森山ふとし/ann ihsa, naoto, oono yuuki band, beverley road all stars, suzu toyama,