tartine+de+clous — similar artists: neil mcdermott, tartine de clous, alasdair roberts, amble skuse & david mcguinness, brawl records, alasdair roberts, LauraCannell, the furrow collective, völvur, cath and phil tyler, maam-li merati, burd ellen, black twig pickers (vhf), andré bosman, hunteress, rev galen, adrian hart, harry taussig, horses brawl, hudson records, john hulburt, birdloom, w/ joshua burkett ~ w/ steve gunn, jonathan hering, neal heppleston, hushman, three queens in mourning, phil tyler & sarah hill, jon boden, green ribbons, vincent moon, waterless hills, pelt, sam sweeney, bill callahan & bonnie "prince" billy, polly wright, david greenberger, the hudson sessions, topette, ben nicholls, nick jonah davis, sullow, the young'uns, ways of hearing, yorkston, kings of the south seas, rachel newton, spiers & boden, iona lane, the owl service, avocet revisited, lucy farrell, sean cooney, kate ellis with adrian crowley, milène larsson, kate ellis, thom ashworth, jenny sturgeon,