tb+ridge+as+the+director — similar artists: spiritual mafia, mikey young, brick head, phil & the tiles, blank statements, wireheads, the garbage and the flowers, tsap, garbage disposal union, legless records, p.p. rebel, yuta matsumura, loose-y crunché, sunset flips, 208l containers, smarts, display homes, ill globo, alex macfarlane, ivory whips, modal melodies, alien nosejob, permits, the garbage, tb ridge as the director, plastic ep, anti fade records, sachet, the stabs, sleeper and snake, grotesque circular dance, julian teakle, the records, prefect, anj gt rrc, pious faults, petro, crunché, sorry golden state, carpet burn, paul snell, young druid, moon rituals, dyktando, hot tubs time machine, rinpoche, big supermarket, 1too, collective hardcore, the native cats, set-top box, hayden moon, the rangoons, disco junk, parsnip, roman nails, glen schenau,