the+ancient+dark â similar artists: the ancient dark, necrokinesis, all ireland metal, the crawling, gealach, Sonus Mortis, strangle wire, death the leveller, ten ton slug, third island, Senzar, partholĂłn, grey stag, beneath the sod, crypticum, cursewielder, gaoth, paranoid beast records, nyktophobia, dĂșnmharĂș, bodydrinkers, bakken, stereo nasty, valais, procession of spectres, unkindness of ravens, the lone madman, baneful storm, toxik shokk, the blessing way, gourd/luxury mollusc, Fraught, beithĂoch, ulvik, raum kingdom, nocturnal convocation, svet kant, legion of wolves, wizards of firetop mountain, drakonis, yurt, cursed monk records, dying wizard, tempered, war iron, weed priest, nĂžmadus, coroza, hasturian vigil, degredo, the red widows, earthen altar, everdead wood, rotlaust, ordo cultum serpentis, sjöhĂ€xan, tĂ mailt,