the+cutthroats+9 — similar artists: the cutthroats 9, the ghost is clear records, the austerity program, legendary divorce, multicult, lardo, fight amp, human impact, meditations in affinity, cash in, unsane, rid of me, tgic recs, the powder room, eye flys, hoaries, godheadsilo, cellos, infinity land, ladder devils, tongue party, new brutalism, today is the day, blacklisters, this is wreckage, red hare, great sabatini/ great falls, bbigpigg, season to risk, retox, asbestos worker, glose, crowpath, Buzz Rodeo, still / form, multicult/ child bite, laurium, mast year, moon pussy, cherubs, piss vortex, menfolk, pressed, went white, easy prey, partaker, gcbt records, bronson arm, tongue party/usa nails, sinking suns, foreign theaters, big water, shadow snakes, war brides, plaque marks, of feather, steve albini,