the+department — similar artists: swedish electro scene, norderney, The Sweetest Condition, atomzero, electric voice records, generation blitz 3 - extended, oppenheimer mkii, heliophile, blaklight, vogon poetry, tiny magnetic pets, neonsol, berlyn trilogy, Vain Machine, artificial monuments, etage neun, room 1985, cold beats records, dreams divide, mördelin, sinestar, non-lieu, vile electrodes, izzie voodoo, circuit3, the frixion, v-sor,x, paradise cove, vague scare, uncreated, skeleton head, peppy pep pepper, val solo, cult club, machinista, trench run, artistic control, def neon, transfigure, my pierrot dolls, adam tristar, age of consent, minimal/analog, stocksnskins, strucktura, brutalist architecture in the sun, letten 94, vieon, dark gray houses, analoguetrash, neuroactive, aaah...!, jonteknik/malte steiner, felix marc, carlo onda, burning skies of elysium, Plague Pits,