the devil's swamp â similar artists: fool magician, kafka rex, jerky dirt, dying wizard, morganthus, godhead lizard, gĂ»lgĂ»ta, alcotopia, Metal Destroyer, may result, great rift, spirit division, stone cadaver, wild thing fire, baht, Dark God, nordligblĂ„st, catarsis incarne, doomicidal, tales of blood, crematorio, lorekeeper, animal bizarre, chief of smoke, indus valley kings, highbernation, cult of sorrow, the devil's swamp, seer of the void, slug lord, abortarium, from the ages, goatsmoke, lord kinbote, zombie eater, lowtone, moonwizard, heretic rites, psychic dose, galactic tyrannosaur, mycena, navajo witch, weed priest, mount soma, rascal whack, limestone whale, supernaughty, around the fire, negative or nothing, smoke mountain, hellas records, tree of riffs, dismembered carnage, low of the low, navalm, space god ritual, smoke the light,