the+doozer — similar artists: the kiwi animal, berman / lytton / roebke, jj ulius, montgomery and turner, kyle motl/patrick shiroishi, mike pride & jonathan moritz, mammas mysteriska jukebox, usurabi, kyle flanagan/tim gick, macie stewart & lia kohl, byrnes/shiroishi/wyche, the shadow ring, treasury of puppies, dracula pamphlet, private sorrow, dadamah, midnight mines, charmaine lee/zach rowden, anáhuac, tashi dorji / ian mccolm / frank meadows, tongue depressor/ gateway, gryphon rue & merche blasco, watanabe, ludmila nunes, tomoyuki aoki, harutaka mochizuki, monocot, hearts & minds, steve long, karl evangelista's apura, chris williams & patrick shiroishi, ka baird & muyassar kurdi, amirtha kidambi & matteo liberatore, carol genetti & claire rousay, bill nace/emily robb, skiftande enheter, chris cochrane / john thayer, henry birdsey, gunn-truscinski duo, austin larkin, ombra di organo, tim gick, loba address, mere man, nathan alexander pape & patrick breiner, rob lundberg, s.t.l.a., alex macfarlane, cosmic slops, trespass field, private anarchy, jessica ackerley/patrick shiroishi, hallelujahs, the clean, monokultur, 番⻑ taste, astral spirits,