the+finalists — similar artists: half a cow records, the zhivagos, lost ships, alannah russack's entropy band, the new mendicants, gretchen's wheel, scud mountain boys, toby martin, post office winter, tobin sprout, charles jenkins, froggy prinze, alannah russack, buddy glass, d.c cross, ruby gill, infinity broke, the electorate, the disciples of mary (tjamc crew), archers of loaf, the umbrella puzzles, pop at summer, art starr, david andrew milne, sound as ever (australian indie 90-99), lucien johnson, popboomerang, the amateur historians, lazy susan, nick craft, scott von ryper, circus devils, the tall grass, darren cross, field school, douglas lee robertson, adam gibson, the memory fades, the relict, ron s peno and the superstitions, the bv's, restless leg, peachfield, wifey vs peachfield vs rhyen, nancy sin, next time passions, the photocopies, icecream hands, sullen eyes, jamie hutchings, they go boom!!, joe pernice, sunnyboys, ups, downs, the hannah barberas, stephen's shore,