the+gee+strings — similar artists: the vee bees, sick bags, baby shakes, the shanghais, the crazy squeeze, lovesores, bubblegum screw, heathen apostles, françois premiers, control freaks, rydells, telephone lovers, tenement rats, the bloodstrings, jupiter 5, spencer p jones, the anomalys, the meatbeaters, black mambas, miscalculations, rik & the pigs, psychotic turnbuckles, the gee strings, küken, muleskinner jones, moral panic, jo carley and the old dry skulls, the stripp, chip hanna, kool & the gang bangers, fdh records, the real jerks, the big bad, the viveiro wave riders, phantom of the black hills, bad luck charms, bishops green, helta skelta, idol lips, barreracudas, gino and the goons, the cavemen, komplikations, wreckless enterprise, guitar gangsters, rum bar records, the jerry spider gang, lucy ellis, the new trocaderos, the jeanies, alexander joe winterbone, rockstar records, not moving, nightmen, sore points, tony truant, jane lee hooker,